MS Training
Are you working with Agilent mass spectrometry systems and would you like to develop your skills on the analysis technique, various hardware parts and their maintenance? Attend the MS training courses that Da Vinci Laboratory Solutions offers.
In the theoretical session we will explain the basics of the analytical technique. Next we will put the theory into practice by a hands-on learning-by-doing training. The mix of theoretical modules and hands-on training will extend the skills of the operators and scientists resulting in a maximum system uptime and productivity. All courses are taught by specialists having many years of experience in Gas Chromatography. Upon request we will schedule the training on-site using your laboratory equipment.
MS Training
Are you working with Agilent mass spectrometry systems and would you like to develop your skills on the analysis technique, various hardware parts and their maintenance? Attend the MS training courses that Da Vinci Laboratory Solutions offers.
In the theoretical session we will explain the basics of the analytical technique. Next we will put the theory into practice by a hands-on learning-by-doing training. The mix of theoretical modules and hands-on training will extend the skills of the operators and scientists resulting in a maximum system uptime and productivity. All courses are taught by specialists having many years of experience in Gas Chromatography. Upon request we will schedule the training on-site using your laboratory equipment.
To optimize the use of your GC / MS it is important that the system is properly maintained. By attending this course you will be able to recognize certain symptoms and to maintain the GC / MS system. We will also discuss various problems that may occur and how to solve them. This is done in theoretical and practical sessions.
The topics of the two-day training course are:
- Clean ion source
- Replace filaments and multiplier
- Vacuum pump maintenance
- Ramping and tuning parameters
- Recognize problems and solve
- Overview of (common) failures
Location Training
The training courses are scheduled at the head offices of Da Vinci Laboratory Solutions.
Da Vinci Laboratory Solutions
53047 BP Rotterdam
T: +31-(0)10-258 1870